This summer Nicoustic had three talented students from the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU) working on various tasks. Nicoustic used NTNU Bridge (the platform that connects companies and students) to announce the summer projects with great success.
Sergei Johansen (Programming) has been developing an interface for the Nicoustic internal software application using React JS library with Typescript language. While focusing on the frontend, he also strongly contributed to development of the server-side prototype that was written in Node JS.
The result of Sergei`s project is an interface client which looks appealing to the eye, communicates with the server and can easily be extended with new features.
Marlon Guttormsen Mathisen (Product Development and Production) spent the summer characterizing various sensors and actuators to see if they were applicable for use in our sensor array. To do this, Marlon performed signal analysis using Python for each of the sensors and then characterized the frequency response of various types of signal impulses. Characterization was performed on various setups intended to simulate the conditions of real world application of the final sensor arrays and algorithms. He also created a web based automation tool in Python for the remote control of the measurement system. In addition, Marlon also did some 3D-modeling and printing to aid the test and measurement tasks in cases some special setup was needed to test the sensors.
Fatemeh Babak (Project Management – Production and Quality Engineering) worked on improving our Supply Chain Management. She created a model of the future supply chain, and then conducted a search to identify the best ERP system options based on Nicoustic`s requirements. Next step was to hold meetings with sales representatives from the candidate ERP systems. An important part of the project was to utilize trial periods for hands-on experience and familiarization with the different systems. All the comparisons were compiled into a comprehensive report, which will help Nicoustic to choose the right ERP system.